In the Arms of the Buddha
In the Arms of the Buddha
You are secure in
the Arms of the Buddha
1. Kernwoorden
- Spirituality
- Nourishment
- Protection
2. Message
On this artwork we see a woman, travelling to the Himalaya. She carries her child and finds shelter in a cave. She rests in peace on the leaves and the fragrance of wild roses fills the atmosphere. Then in a golden glow the Buddha appears in the cave, reassuring her and telling her that she is safe, that she may rest in his arms.
When you draw this card take some time to reflect on the journey that is behind you. Maybe some rest is necessary, a retreat or other inner nourishment.
Meditate near the stream of your life and get clear about the nature of what you need. Maybe the outcome is bringing more simplicity and pureness into your life, a retreat or something else that you need.